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Rock Pool Series: 2017
This collection reflects my intrigue and fascination with Rock Pools, the colours, layers, plantlife, creatures and textures I see. I used a variety of paper materials to experiment with layers, the translucency and surface texture of the imagery. The colour palette emerged as I built up the layers, not always knowing how it would look. The added stitching is a new technique I have adopted to apply linear detail and to the imagery and it has allowed me to experiment and combine other skills that I love to use, in an unconventional way.
"Sea Grapes & Finger Shell".
Mixed media collage with stitching on paper & board. Handmade open box frame in white. 23cm x 29cm. $250
*Gallery quality prints available in 3 sizes.
"Finger Shell Rock Pool".
Mixed media collage with stitching on paper & board. Handmade open box frame in white. $250
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